📅 31. August 2023
Bitcoin war keine zufällige Schöpfung. Es war das Ergebnis jahrzehntelanger Bemühungen von freiheitsliebenden Technologen – von den High-Tech-Hayekianern bis zu den Cypherpunks.
#Bitcoin was not a random creation.nnIt was the culmination of decades of efforts by freedom-minded technologists – from the High Tech Hayekians to the Cypherpunks.nnSatoshi brought these building blocks together to create an Internet-native, unstoppable money. https://t.co/FyLd0oetib
#Bitcoin was not a random creation.nnIt was the culmination of decades of efforts by freedom-minded technologists – from the High Tech Hayekians to the Cypherpunks.nnSatoshi brought these building blocks together to create an Internet-native, unstoppable money. https://t.co/FyLd0oetib
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